If Rani Padmawati was alive today, she would have killed herself again…
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Ok, so let me get this straight! A filmmaker, who is the master
of his craft, painstakingly makes a period saga and an epic. He puts his blood
and soul in this!
He ropes in two of the best actors in the country right now,
Ranveer and Deepika, to play two most important characters.
Ranveer plays Alauddin Khilji and Deepika plays Rani
The movie is still not out… No one has seen it…
But a group of fringe elements decides already that they are
the sole protectors of the Rajput History!
So, without seeing a single frame of the movie, they decide
that it is distortion of facts and stage protests against it.
Now I understand being protective of your culture. But being
“ANTARYAAMI”… That’s another level altogether.
How on earth does the KARNI SENA know that Bhansali has
distorted facts?
What facts are they referring to that they feel have been
What is it that these people are trying to protect or hide?
I wanted to know more about this so I went to the best
source… Wikipedia! Here is what Wikipedia says:
“Padmini, also known as Padmavati, was a legendary 13th-14th
century Indian queen (Rani).
The earliest source to mention her is Padmavat,
an epic fictionalized poem written
by Malik Muhammad Jayasi in 1540 CE. The
text, which features elements of fantasy,
describes her story as follows: Padmavati was an exceptionally beautiful
princess of the Singhal kingdom (Sri Lanka). Ratan Sen,
the Rajput ruler
of Chittor, heard about her beauty from a talking
parrotnamed Hiraman. After an adventurous quest, he won her hand in
marriage and brought her to Chittor. Alauddin
Khalji, the Sultan of Delhi also heard about her
beauty, and laid siege to Chittor to obtain her. Many events occurred during
the period of the Siege, till the Fort was finally taken. Meanwhile, Ratan Sen
was killed in a duel with Devpal, the king of Kumbhalner who
was also enamoured with Padmavati's beauty. Before Alauddin Khalji could
capture Chittor, Padmavati and her companions committed Jauhar (self-immolation)
to protect their honour. After her sacrifice, the Rajput men died fighting on
the battlefield.
Several subsequent adaptions
of the legend characterised her as a Hindu Rajput queen,
who defended her honour against a Muslim invader.
Over the years, she came to be seen as a historical figure, and appeared in
several novels, plays, television serials and movies. However, while Alauddin
Khalji's siege of Chittor in 1303 CE is a
historical event, the legend of Padmini has little historical evidence and most
modern historians have rejected its authenticity.”
Now for a moment, let’s forget the argument if
Padmawati was for real or fictional.
Lets only remember what she died for according
to the legend…
She died to protect her and her fellow women’s
And what does her so called group of followers
do? Threaten the lead actress with beheading, nose cutting, immolation?
Does this sound like something Padmawati would
approve of?
The entire premise of this so called protest is
Now, Bhansali has shown the movie to some
people… And some strong minded people.
Here is what some of them have to say about the
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Goswami, known for his fierce style and vocal anchoring (sometimes yelling)
back Padmawati. He said “Padmawati is the greatest tribute to Rajput
pride. There is not even a nano second of vulgarity. Ranveer and Deepika do not
share screen even for a second. This Karni Sena will be left looking utterly
foolish once the movie hits the box office,” he said, adding that the violent
protesters will look like clowns and vandals. The BJP should really reconsider
the prospect of embarrassing themselves by joining the Karni Sena side”
second him was Rajat Sharma, the evergreen host of Aap ki adalat. He said “After watching the entire
film, I can emphatically say that there is not a single dialogue, not a single
scene, not a single sequence that can be said to go against the proud history
of the Rajputs of Rajasthan.
Leela Bhansali has directed the film after conducting full research. While
filming the scenes and sequences, he has kept in mind the need to respect the
Rajput traditions and etiquettes. There has been no distortion of history in
the entire film. I sincerely feel that the valour of Maharaja Rawal Ratan
Singh, the strategic mind of Queen Padmavati, their bravery and sacrifice have
been correctly portrayed in Bhansali’s film.
understand the feelings of people who have been hurt by this film, but their
anger is merely based on hearsay. I will humply appeal to all my Rajput
brothers and sisters to watch this film at least once and then decide. They
will certainly feel that this film has correctly portrayed the Rajputs in a
positive light. Every child in this great country will feel proud on watching
the sacrifice of Rani Padmavati and Rawal Ratan Singh.
can also say that after watching this film, people will definitely feel that
they have been unfair to Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Deepika Padukone, Ranveer
Singh, Shahid Kapur and all those who have been associated with this film.”
But yet,
these senas continue to spew venom under the guise of religion and culture.
are offering bounties equal to 5cr for the chopped heads of Bhansali and
said they will chop off Deepika’s nose!
said they will burn her alive…
chief from Rajasthan doubled the bounties for the heads to 10Cr and also said
that the one who does it, his family will also be taken care of!
What is
shocking is the two entities who should now be speaking are now completely mum.
appalling to see the Information and Broadcasting minister, Mrs. Smriti Irani hasn’t
spoken a word. Is she still undergoing training for the new role? Should she be
ensuring the makers that she will ensure the movie releases with due respect? She
belongs to this industry for god sakes…
second one being the government on the whole.
So we
have all the time in the world to arrest kids posting things about the PM on
social media websites and personal whatsapp/FB chats, but we completely ignore
these so called adults threatening the countries known celebrities in broad day
light, with full press coverage?
Don't believe me... Read here how a whatsapp message can get you arrested
Where is
the police now?
are we really that stupid?
Can’t we
see already what we are being led to believe?
I am
sure if Rani Padmawati was alive today, she would have killed herself again, to
protect the honor of not only women but also humans on the whole.
Its just
sad to see that we as a society are moving to the old days, which our ancestors
gave their lives to crawl out of.
Let’s hope
someone acts and we get to see the movie. I am sure Bhansali as usual won’t
Dude..read almost all your blogs. You are an excellent writer with a great sense of humor. Kudos! Keep writing , keep sharing.